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Assessment Statement

Bryn Teg Assessment Statement


 At Bryn Teg teachers assess children’s learning through both formative and summative assessment methods.  Teachers use their judgements alongside termly tests, provided by GL, to ascertain pupil attainment and to measure progress. All children from Year 2 up undertake spelling, reading and maths. 


In Nursery we do on entry assessments, followed by the baseline profile at the start of the Reception year. At the end of end of Year 2 and Year 6 the children are assessed to monitor progress in line with government guidelines. In addition to these we compete RWI assessments from Reception class up to year 2 and beyond as necessary.  The PASS survey is carried out on a termly basis to gauge the pupil’s attitude to self and school the results are used to identify interventions needed to support pupils. 


Pupil Progress meetings are held termly, giving teachers and senior staff the opportunity to discuss and track pupils’ achievements and provide support and challenge where appropriate.   Input will also will be given via our ALNCO Mrs Lewis, in relation to specific additional learning needs., in relation to specific additional learning needs.