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Healthy Schools

Here at Ysgol Bryn Teg we aim to develop our pupils to be healthy, confident individuals ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society. We are a part of the Carmarthenshire County Council Healthy Schools Scheme. This project forms part of the  ‘World Health Organizations initiative European Network of Health Promoting Schools’.


The Healthy Schools officer is – Miss Gretel Lewis. Please ask to speak to her if you have any questions regarding Healthy Schools.


We incoroporate the 7 health topics into our cross-curricular sessions. 




We have given the children the challenge of presenting the importance of drinking water every day. please read below are some excellent examples that have been given across the school.


Key dates for Healthy Schools;


Please keep your bikes and scooters in our bike shed! smiley


Healthy Lunchboxes


Nut-free school- to keep all pupils safe at Ysgol Bryn Teg, foods containing nuts are no longer permitted on our premises. Please see the letter to parents attached to this page. 


As a school we encourage families to send their children in with a healthy lunchbox. Children are encouraged to drink water with their packed lunch, and we do not permit the consumption of squash and fizzy drinks. Please see below tips on creating a healthy packed lunch;




As a school we take hygiene very seriously. We promote excellent personal hygiene throughout the school by regularly encouraging children to wash their hands using the NHS 7 steps to clean hands guidance. As well as this we have hand sanitizers in every class to promote good hand hygiene throughout the school day.


Oral Hygiene- In the Foundation Phase we promote the National oral Health Improvement Programme- Design 2 Smile. For more information on how you can promote excellent oral hygiene for your child at home please visit their website by clicking here 


BNF Healthy Eating Week 

This year for BNF Healthy Eating week we promoted healthy cooking throughout the school. Please see images below of the children enjoying cooking healthy recipes:


For further information regarding healthy schools please see our healthy schools policy below;

Sporting events 2021- 2022:

Healthy schools across the curriculum